Habits worth keeping
While the majority of us make new year’s resolutions, only between 8-30% of us keep them for more than a few weeks. We know the best prediction of a person’s behaviour is to look at what they have done in the past – so instead of new resolutions, the Cairney & Company team share good habits they’ve picked up in the last year and intend to take into 2025.
Cairney Conversations – Interview with Professor Jon Timmis, Vice-Chancellor, Aberystwyth University
Founder and CEO of Cairney and Company, Karen Cairney, recently had the pleasure of meeting with Professor Jon Timmis, the new Vice-Chancellor of Aberystwyth University to discuss the first year in his new role, his unconventional route to Higher Education and the transformational impact universities can have on lives.
Financial stresses in higher education: what role can advancement play in supporting universities?
Amidst the current financial stresses in higher education, where does advancement fit in supporting the institutions we work in and with?